An Escape : Serenity

An Escape: Serenity 

           She tried to flee the nightmare she was living. The gloomy sky only made her drown in her own guilt. As she ran down the pavement, a surge of realization rushed down her spine. Never had she ever done something like that in her life. Always following the rules, listening to her parents. 

           She was ripped out of her thoughts to find herself surrounded by trees. Her heart felt heavy. Flogged by larches, she realized she's come too far. A few steps further were the valleys dotted with alpine aster and dragonflies. The sun hid behind the mountains, taking a leave. She had learnt, she was miles away from home. Turning to the sky, she found the moon embedded among the stars. She was lost.

            After wandering the woods to find her way back, she discerned a wave of serenity in her mild adventure. In her baffled, broken life, she found pieces of herself that she had lost on the way. One thing she learnt that day, it's okay to be lost sometimes. It means you have something to lose. 

- Alisha Sardesai


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